May this serve you well… thoughts from “my special space”

One of the things that I have done for myself on my journey called life is create a “special space” for me. Yes, I have a large yoga studio that holds space for all, however this space is mine, mine fore me to host my own practices, my own grounding, my dreams, my ambitions the list goes on. The space holds my energy, the energy of those that I love, those with me now and those who have passed, and I call for the greater good.

I journal, I meditate, I allow my feelings and emotions to flow through me with self-compassion, love, grace and ease in this space. I journal, pray, speak my truth, I read… it is a touchstone for me. I have my vision board, and small items that remind me of the essence of the beautiful light beings that have been next to me and still flow around me and within my heart center where my essence and soul lives. It is a reminder of all that is so completely beautiful in life and to live life to its fullest, even when the experiences are painful.

Part of my practice is that I randomly choose a book from a small pile I keep next to my space, and I open a page randomly to see what words of wisdom or light can be shed towards my meditation on how I wish to walk that day. Kind of like a “Russian Roulette”, play with the universe… no control, hands off the wheel approach. It’s fun and playful… light, just like it should be when you love yourself.

This – is this morning’s random pick, it is a book written by a friend of Ohana’s (mine) Walter Cecchini, Walter is a published author who has written a “Non-dual poetry book called “Take Heart Seeker,” revealing what the mind cannot know and the heart has never forgotten”.

My meditation/prayer ask was that I find wisdom and strength to help carry me through some decisions that I must make. Sometimes we must make difficult decisions always with love and for the greater good. Keeping in mind, that every decision will not only cause and effect ourselves, but others in our lives as well. The goal for me, is to make the decisions so that we can all share a peace, harmony and move forward with love and light.

Here is the poem that showed up… it resonated with me, enough that I wanted to share my private “me time” moment with you. I trust that it may resonate with you and serve you well.

I Abide

The light shines,
Unseen yet seen
As the world beckons,
A grand exhibition
To tempt the senses.

I abide, observing
the comings and goings,
the empty promises that
ring hollow.

I remain gazing inward
toward the source of all,
a quiet vigilance,
a peaceful surrender,
honoring That which is
and can never not be.

May this poem, your space, your time, serve you as well as mine is serving me.

If you are interested in more poetry from Walter, go to Walter is also, one of our local OPP Officer, currently specializes in de-escalation, crisis negotiations, and wellness. Describing himself as a C.O.P., Consciously On Patrol. Thank you, Walter and the many other members of your “Police” family who put, yourselves “out there” in service to us all.

With love and light, peace to all

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