Ohana Supports the Near North Palliative Care Network
Wise Tales, a beautifully illustrated community written book of life lessons and stories which brings joy to all who read it.
100% of proceeds goes directly to our Near North Palliative Care Network a free visiting hospice service supporting people through grief, loss, and or troubling times.
Help us help keep this service available to all in our community.
Books are $15.00 + tax
Ohana Yoga & Wellness in Callander and the near North Palliative Care Network 2025 Main Street West North Bay, Ontario
Wise Tails life lessons and stories from our hearts to yours.
Written with love for people of all ages from young to the young at heart. The project was derived by a series of personal development sessions called The Samasta Connections, in the hopes that through our stories we will not only heal and assist ourselves to move along our journey but also help others who may connect. Within the beautifully illustrated pages, you will find 14 stories, that share a “life lesson” with the reader. Truly a delight to read.
Proceeds from “Wise Tails” to be donated to the NNPCN in support of the Volunteer Visiting Hospice in Nipissing and East Parry Sound Districts with donations proceeding from the book.
The production of the publication of the book has been funded by donations on behalf of NNPCN Past Chair Darren Renaud, many community individuals and corporations within our community and beyond sponsored this fundraising initiative. For this we are grateful.
Words of Praise
“Written with much wit and playful warmth, illustrated with colorful vitality, these ‘wise tales’ offer delight to the eye and inspiration for the mind and heart. These fables explore the wisdom of compassion and our strength in the community. They leave the reader enriched by their deep simplicity. The characters draw out the child in each of us, enough to grow up to life’s challenges and possibilities with courage and hope. Great fun to read, these stories pulse with joy and life.” Denis Stokes – Author of Tunnel Jumping and A Wolf Rages Down the Little Jocko
“Wise Tails swell the heart and enlighten the mind. The fables remind us of life principles and what it takes to be a caring, successful human being.” John R. Christensen – Author, Executive Life Strategist
“May the lessons of these stories enter deep within and work their magic. Stories can guide us in our journey towards all the goodness life offers, if only we learn to listen and to see with our hearts.” Suzanne Brooks – Writer, Retired Teacher, Former Gulliver’s Book Store Owner
This 8.5 x 11, 44-page softcover book printed in full colour is truly a wonderful quality product that is sure to please.
Illustrated by: Nicky Poulin
Written by: The Samasta Connection
Contributors: Linda Schnabel, Susan McLeod, Janik Vachon, Norma Sanders, Nicky Poulin, Doris Whitaker, Darren Renaud, Monica Do Coutto Monni, Donna Sherie, Claire Sheridan, Annelie Hinch, Ann Marie June McGee, Brittany Watson.
Edited by: Linda Schnabel
Dedicated to the memory of Darren Renaud, and Winnie Duesling.
About Samasta Connection & Wise TailsStory-telling is one of the many cherished traditions used to make sense of our world and, with that intention in mind, we offer these uplifting fables to you — from our hearts to yours!
Most of the writers herein were participants from the first cohort of Samasta Connection — an online community that embraces personal leadership development that stokes the flames of individual insight and hope and offers peer support one to another.
Back in the spring of 2020, when the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic, we dreamed The Samasta Connection into reality — our way to respond to the call for encouragement and support for our local community and beyond.
We knew that such unprecedented times would present new and unique challenges for everyone along with more questions than answers. How could we create a community of like-minded “meaning-makers” who wanted to lead their lives, not simply allow them to unfold without intention?
Out of this question, Samasta Connection was born and, as the weeks turned into months, we realized that a robust personal and leadership development model was morphing into something truly meaningful. We have since facilitated the second cohort — delivering the 10-week online program that not only supports the community but also builds a strong one within its participant ranks.
This first cohort group of 2020, as part of a giving-back initiative, wrote the fables you are about to read. It was a challenge taken up willingly by Samasta participants and by those who heard about the group and wanted to add their own stories to the collection.
We extend a big thank you to everyone who contributed their unique skills and talents to the production of this book. As part of the giving-back initiative for which it was intended, your donation today will go toward funding Near North Palliate Care Network. We thank you also for your kind generosity!
Namaste, Nicky & Linda
Founders and Facilitators, Samasta Connection